Welcome to my website for the
construction of dioramas and models of combat vehicles and weaponry
, primarily from the Second World War. Here you will find not only photos of completed plastic models and dioramas, but also special manufacturing procedures and other interesting facts from the world of model building.You can find the latest plastic models and dioramas in the I’m Working on Now (CZ) section. In the Construction Methods (CZ) section, I provide step-by-step instructions for how I built individual models. The Photo Gallery (CZ) contains photos of all the models I have completed.


Do galerie bylo vloženo diorama Aufstehen! Abfahrt ! Belgien 1944
Do galerie byla vložena figurka příslušníka 13. horské divize SS HANDSCHAR...
Stavba traktoru LANZ BULLDOG...
Do galerie byla vložena figurka italského horského myslivce...